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The Minister Of Economy and the Australian Representative Discuss economic cooperation between Palestine and Australia

Palestine Economy Portal.

Minister of National Economy Khalid Al-Esseily and the Australian Representative Mark Bailey discussed on Wednesday ways to develop economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and the possibility of establishing economic partnerships between the two countries in order to support the Palestinian government's approach to disengage from the Israeli Occupation economy.

Minister Al-Essaily highlighted the current economic situation and the financial siege imposed by the Israeli authorities as a result of the piracy of the tax dues of the Palestinian people. The policy of forced displacement implemented by Israel against the Palestinian citizen.

During the meeting held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy in Ramallah, Al-Essaily mentioned areas of joint cooperation and efforts exerted by the Palestinian government to enhance citizens' resilience and preserve the national identity of the Palestinian economy, in addition to the government's vision to achieve economic development through development of clusters.

For his part, the ambassador stressed the possibilities of enhancing economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and studying the possible mechanisms to develop them in a way that serves the economy of the two countries and enhances the opportunities of establishing investment partnerships in addition to joint coordination to explore areas of cooperation between the Australian private sector and his Palestinian counterpart through exchanging trade visits.
